1991: Successfully organized tenants in opposition to an unlawful policy initiated by the Plainfield Housing Authority. On September 17, 1991 the U.S. department of H.U.D. agreed with the tenants to remove the unlawful policy.
2002: Successfully organized local citizens in the collection of qualitative data on the civic health of Plainfield, NJ and began record expungement workshops at Washington Community School.
2003: Articulated those findings in a brief titled, "Plainfield Health Civic Survey," and released the research to the press on November 19, 2003.
2005: Designed a local ordinance from the accumulated facts, titled "the Civic Responsibility Act of Plainfield," which the city passed into law April 4th, 2005, signed by Mayor Albert T. McWilliams on April 7th, 2005. According to the local paper (Courier News) for the first time local citizens wrote a law and got it passed in the history of New Jersey.
2006: Received the Lift Award from the New Jesrey Foundation for Open Government (NJFOG) for empowering citizens and local/national initiatives for open government.
2006: By the request of Newark Mayor Cory Booker, presented four civic education workshops at Rutgers University and New Jersey Institute of Technology.
2007: Customised 6 civic education and record expungement workshops in Mercer County, NJ.
2007: Received a Certificate of Completion from the Academy for Citizen Empowerment, to teach paths to appointed power.
2008: Received a Certificate in Non-Profit Management from William Paterson University.
2008: TCFI consulted and trained law enforcement officials in Philadelphia, PA regarding non-profit transparency, accountability, compliance regulations.
2009: Received the President's Volunteer Service Award from the Obama Administration.